Posted by: Associates in Ophthalmology (NJ) in LASIK

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LASIK is an amazing procedure that has helped millions of people achieve clear vision. But it’s not perfect and it isn’t for everybody.

To make sure that each LASIK procedure will be a success, candidates for the procedure need thorough vetting. Here are some of the qualifications your surgeon at Associates in Ophthalmology will be looking for during your LASIK consultation, and some possible solutions.

Vision Stability

Vision is not a static part of life, meaning that it can fluctuate for various reasons. If you were to receive LASIK during a period of instability, you could end up with less than stellar results.

Suggested Fix:

It is important to wait for your vision to be stable for at least a year or two years before proceeding with LASIK. Patience is the key if you want results you’ll be happy with when you have LASIK!


You are legally required to be at least 18 years old to receive LASIK. Many surgeons will have you wait until you are in your mid to late twenties.

This is because vision in young eyes is particularly likely to fluctuate. If you are not old enough to get LASIK, you’ll just have to wait.

Suggested Fix:

Again, the answer here is patience. You’ll have to wait until you are old enough to safely receive the procedure.


Pregnancy hormones also affect eyesight. This occurs after the birth happens, so you won’t be able to get LASIK as soon as you deliver.

To be safe, you should wait to get LASIK until you know you are done having kids.

Suggested Fix:

Once again, waiting is the solution. To be exact, you will need to wait for several months after you have finished nursing in order for it to be safe. Ask your eye doctor if you are unsure.

Condition of Your Eyes

Eyes are fragile body parts, and LASIK depends on healthy eyes before having the procedure. This includes illness, infection, physical trauma, and scarring.

Suggested Fix:

Treat the problems that your eyes are facing until they are well again. If there is too much damage, you may have to go with an alternative refractive surgery.


Beyond your eyes, you must be in good health. Certain ailments such as diabetes and arthritis will make you a bad candidate for LASIK. You need to be able to easily recover after LASIK.

Suggested Fix:

Do your best to get treatment for your conditions. Once you have them under control, you can begin to plan for LASIK.

Corneal Thickness

LASIK works by removing microscopic amounts of material from your cornea. If you do not have enough corneal tissue, then you will not be a good candidate for LASIK.

Suggested Fix:

Seek alternative surgery. Unfortunately, there’s no way to add more cornea, so you will not be eligible for LASIK.

But other surgeries such as PRK and RLE can provide vision as clear as LASIK, although your recovery may be a little more challenging.


LASIK is an amazing feat, blending technology and expertise to help millions achieve their vision goals. But, it is not perfect.

You need to know all the risks as well as the benefits before signing on for the surgery.

Suggested Fix:

Set up a LASIK comprehensive eye exam at Associates of Ophthalmology. This is the best way to learn everything you need to know about LASIK.

It’s also the perfect opportunity to ask any questions you have. You need to be comfortable with the procedure before you can have it.

Ready to make the leap and find out if LASIK could be right for you? Schedule a LASIK consultation at Associates of Ophthalmology in Livingston, NJ! What are you waiting for?