Posted by: Associates in Ophthalmology (NJ) in LASIK

Young woman suffering from eye strain, i need of LASIK

Are you tired of having to wear glasses or contact lenses? Do you experience dry eye because of your contact lenses?

Have you ever wondered about what life would be like without your glasses or contacts? It’s okay if you have! Glasses and contacts are great but there’s got to be more, right? That’s where LASIK comes in.

If you want LASIK, you’ll need a LASIK consultation. Not everyone is a good candidate for LASIK, which is why you need a consultation.

Not everyone who wants LASIK should have it. About 15% – 20% of patients are ineligible for laser eye surgery. Here are five reasons that surgeons use to determine if a patient is a good candidate for LASIK:

Prescription Meets FDA Treatment Guidelines

LASIK is great when correcting refractive errors. These include nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. The strength of your prescription is measured during a LASIK consultation.

Eye Health and Maturity

According to the FDA, you need to be at least 18 years old to have LASIK. Also, patients need to have stable vision for at least a year before having LASIK.

Finally, it is important to have healthy eyes. This means that they need to be free of diseases, infections, and injuries.

This is important to make sure that your eyes heal properly post-operation. If your eyes aren’t healthy enough to recover from LASIK, you shouldn’t have the procedure.

Good Health

Specific medical conditions and medications can make the recovery process challenging. If you aren’t in good health, LASIK may not be right for you.

During your LASIK consultation, share your entire medical history. This helps your LASIK surgeon determine if you’re a good candidate and can handle LASIK.

Cornea Design

LASIK fixes your vision by changing the shape of your cornea. Your cornea is the part of your eye that helps focus light to create an image on your retina.

When the cornea is too thin or the wrong shape, you may not get your desired results. During your consultation, the surgeon will look at the thickness and shape of your cornea.

If your corneas are too thin, LASIK becomes unsafe. This is because a small amount of tissue will be removed during LASIK. If your corneas are too thin, removing any corneal tissue could lead to complications.

Realistic Expectations

You need to understand the limitations of LASIK eye surgery to be happy with your outcome. Patients who have unrealistic expectations about LASIK are setting themselves up for failure.

It’s important to realize that LASIK is a medical procedure. There is no guarantee that you’ll have 20/20 vision, if not better, but it’s likely.

If you have any questions, make sure you ask them. Your surgeon wants to make sure you have the best LASIK procedure possible.

Your LASIK consultation is the perfect time to ask any questions you may have about LASIK.

Wondering if you could be a LASIK candidate? It’s time to find out! Schedule a LASIK consultation at Associates in Ophthalmology in Livingston, NJ today! What do you have to lose except your glasses and contacts holding you back?