Posted by: Associates in Ophthalmology (NJ) in LASIK

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Are you tired of having to rely on glasses? Do you often wish you could see clearly first thing in the morning without putting in your contacts?

LASIK is an excellent option for permanent vision correction. LASIK can allow you to be less dependent on your contact lenses and glasses.

Keep reading to learn more about what makes someone a good candidate for LASIK!

What is LASIK?  

LASIK is a permanent vision correction procedure that corrects your refractive error, reducing your dependency on glasses or contact lenses. During the LASIK procedure, your LASIK surgeon reshapes the front surface of your eye, called the cornea.

Reshaping your cornea allows the light entering your eye to fall directly on the retina, which will enable you to see clearly. LASIK helps significantly decrease the symptoms of refractive errors like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

The entire procedure is relatively quick, lasting only about twenty minutes. You’ll be able to resume some of your normal activities after a couple of days of rest.  

Not everyone is a good candidate for the LASIK procedure. During your LASIK consultation, your eye doctor will perform various tests to determine that you are a good candidate before scheduling the procedure. 

Are Your Corneas Thick Enough?  

Corneal thickness is a very important factor in determining whether you are a good candidate for LASIK. At your initial consultation, your eye doctor will measure the thickness of your cornea to ensure that they are thick enough to sustain the creation of a corneal flap. 

During the LASIK procedure, your LASIK surgeon uses a laser to create a flap on your cornea. After this, they use a different laser to reshape the cornea tissue underneath the flap.

Then, the flap is repositioned and heals on its own. If your cornea is too thin, your eye doctor may not be able to make the flap needed for the procedure. 

If your eye doctor determines that your corneas are too thin for LASIK, they may recommend another permanent vision correction procedure that will be a better fit for your eyes. 

Are You Healthy Enough for LASIK?  

To qualify for LASIK, you will need to meet specific requirements. Your LASIK surgeon will consider your overall physical health to ensure that the procedure and recovery process will be as smooth as possible.

If your glasses or contact lens prescription changes frequently, your eye doctor may want you to wait to have LASIK until your prescription is more stable. Your eye doctor will also want to treat any current eye infections you may have.

Your eye doctor will want to ensure that they are completely cleared before moving forward with LASIK. Eye infections and certain eye conditions can increase your risk for complications after surgery.

Another factor your eye doctor will consider before proceeding with LASIK is if you have a systemic health problem or autoimmune disorder. Certain health issues can affect how your eyes will heal from LASIK and the outcome of your vision.

If you are pregnant, nursing, or trying to get pregnant, it’s best to postpone having LASIK until at least six months after your newborn has been weaned. Hormone fluctuations affect vision, so you’ll need to wait until your body returns to its pre-pregnancy state.

If you’re an adult, in good health, and have realistic expectations about life without glasses, schedule an appointment to discuss LASIK with your eye doctor.

Are you ready to see if you would be a good candidate for the life-changing LASIK procedure? Schedule a LASIK consultation at Associates in Ophthalmology in Livingston, NJ, today!