Posted by: Associates in Ophthalmology (NJ) in Eye Health

You’ve probably experienced dry eye symptoms at some point in your life. It can happen to anyone, at any time, for any number of reasons. 

However, dry eye isn’t always chronic. Sometimes, it’s an issue that can be mitigated. 

So how do you know when treatment is appropriate? Keep reading to learn three ways to know it’s time to think about dry eye treatment!

You Are Experiencing Several Symptoms At Once

Frequently dry eye syndrome presents a multitude of other symptoms besides dryness and irritation. More often than not, you’ll experience several of them at the same time. 

These can include:

  • Stinging or burning feeling in the eyes
  • Itchy eyes
  • Blurry vision 
  • Redness of the eyes
  • Grittiness in the eyes
  • Crusty or sticky mucus around the eyes  

Dry eye syndrome shares similar symptoms to many other eye conditions. Make sure you know what is happening with your eyes by scheduling an appointment at Associates in Ophthalmology in Livingston, NJ.  

Symptoms Are Long-Lasting 

Sometimes you can experience dry eye symptoms temporarily. There are numerous reasons why your dry eye symptoms may be temporary.

Your eyes might be dry because of the weather. You could be spending too much time looking at screens, or you might even just be dehydrated. 

You can try improving some of these symptoms yourself by changing your habits or your environment. If you think your eyes are dry because of the lack of humidity in the air, invest in an air humidifier. 

It’s also important to take regular breaks from your computer or television. When you spend a lot of time looking at a screen, you forget to blink. 

Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Ask your doctor how much water you need to drink to stay healthy. 

If your dry eye does not go away, it might be time to call in some help. Your eye doctor can find the problem and plan a treatment that works for you.  

Your Symptoms Are Severe

Most of the time, experiencing dry eye symptoms is irritating. The symptoms are distracting but may not be debilitating.

However, more advanced cases of dry eye can become painful. The stinging and burning turns into aching and sharp pain. 

In some cases, dry eye syndrome symptoms may worsen if left untreated. The inflammation makes it harder for your eyes to produce tears, which makes them drier, which causes them to be more inflamed. 

It’s best to seek treatment for dry eye, in this case, to ensure there is no lasting damage to the cornea. Without a healthy tear film, your eyes can get abrasions or be more prone to infections. 

Treating Dry Eye

The right way to treat dry eye depends on what is causing the problem. When you visit your eye doctor, they will perform a variety of tests to determine the root cause of your dry eye symptoms.

With the TearLab, your eye doctor will be able to tell if you aren’t producing enough tears or if your tears are missing an essential ingredient. Some treatment options include:

  • Plugs in your tear ducts to stop them from draining.
  • Medicated eye drops.
  • Gentle therapies to unblock glands in your eyelids.

Don’t let your dry eye go untreated. Start your recovery today!

Are you experiencing irritating dry eye symptoms? Schedule an appointment at Associates in Ophthalmology in Livingston, NJ, today!