Posted by: Associates in Ophthalmology (NJ) in LASIK

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LASIK has helped millions of people all over the world claim vision independence. The ages of these people have even varied greatly.

Senior citizens are still electing to receive the procedure to this day! If you are old enough to receive the procedure and fit the other criteria, there’s not a bad time for LASIK.

But if you’re thinking about getting it, the earlier the better! Why? LASIK is an investment, so the earlier you get it, the more you’ll get out of it!

Keep reading to learn more about why you should consider getting LASIK!

Who Is A Good LASIK Candidate?

During your LASIK consultation, you’ll learn what it takes to qualify for LASIK. We’ve already discussed that age is an important factor, but there are many more.

You Need To Have Stable Vision

One of the biggest factors in LASIK candidacy is stable vision. To get LASIK, you must have stable vision. This means that your prescription hasn’t changed in at least a year.

A prescription that’s still changing is not suited for LASIK, at least not yet. The FDA has only approved LASIK for those 18 and older for this reason.

Most LASIK surgeons even recommend waiting to get LASIK. The recommended age is in your mid-twenties to ensure your vision is stable.

At this point, if your vision hasn’t changed in two years or more, it’s likely going to stay stable.

You Need To Be In Good Health

Another key factor in LASIK candidacy is health. This includes both your eyes and your general health. To get LASIK, you need to be able to heal appropriately.

After the procedure, your eyes will also be more susceptible to infection and damage. If your eyes are not in good shape, this will make recovering from LASIK more difficult.

Conditions like cataracts or glaucoma mean you’re probably not a good LASIK candidate. You also need to make sure you have conditions like dry eye under control before having LASIK.

There Are Alternatives To LASIK

Certain genetic predispositions can also cause you to seek alternate refractive surgeries. For example, if your corneas are too thin, LASIK would not be safe to perform.

You may still be eligible for a surgery called PRK if this is the case. It shares many similarities to LASIK and also has a fantastic success rate. Your doctor will discuss this with you during your LASIK consultation if you’re not a LASIK candidate.

Why You Should Consider LASIK

If you find out you are a good LASIK candidate, you may still be nervous about the procedure. But LASIK is a life-changing event!

Think of all the expenses over your life associated with your glasses. Repairs, replacements, prescription changes: it all adds up.

Don’t forget about how glasses also make your life more difficult than it needs to be. Contacts are even more expensive and need significant upkeep.

Not to mention, they get costly when you have to buy new ones every month. LASIK may have a sizeable upfront cost, but it pays for itself after a few years.

The earlier you get LASIK, the more time you get to enjoy its benefits. This makes getting LASIK in your mid to late twenties the ideal investment.

Wondering if you could be a good LASIK candidate? Schedule a LASIK consultation at Associates in Ophthalmology in Livingston, NJ today!

Don’t waste another minute if you dream of a life where you’re free of glasses and contacts for good!