Posted by: Associates in Ophthalmology (NJ) in LASIK

Woman holding Christmas tree

Are you tired of glasses, contacts, blurry vision, and the struggles these things create in your life? If you are, it’s time for you to explore vision correction.

And, there’s no better time to change your life in this most positive way than before the New Year. Keep reading to learn about four reasons to get LASIK before the end of the year.

What is LASIK?

LASIK vision correction is the most well-known vision correction procedure in the world. It is a medical procedure that corrects your vision by reshaping the middle layer of your cornea.

It can fix the common refractive errors of astigmatism, nearsightedness, and farsightedness. All these conditions stem from an irregularly shaped cornea.

LASIK uses a special kind of laser to create a more uniform-shaped cornea. That way, your cornea can focus light onto your retina, resulting in clear, crisp eyesight.

New Year, New Vision

The New Year is a time to recalibrate and focus on improving your life. Giving yourself the best eyesight you’ve ever had is one of the best ways to enhance your life!

Give yourself the chance to see the world without visual aids for the first time. Enhanced vision will go hand-in-hand with better health in the New Year.

Traveling is Easier

The holidays are almost here, which means parties, family visits, and travel. Going anywhere with glasses and contacts is a hassle, especially when flying.

Packing everything for your visual aids can be an overwhelming process. And then, if you forget any one piece of your eyesight ensemble, replacing it is a pain.

After LASIK, you’ll be able to travel without thinking about any of this for the first time. If you get LASIK soon, you can travel free from the worries of visual aids this holiday season.

The Best Photos You’ve Ever Taken

Pictures with family, friends, and everyone at parties are a big piece of the holiday season. After LASIK, you can have a new look in this year’s batch of holiday photos.

It could be the first time in your life when your eyes and smile show through how they should. And, even if you wear contacts to avoid how glasses look, this year could be the first time you feel like yourself.

Even though contact lenses can give you excellent vision, your eyesight is better than it was with contacts after LASIK. That’s because contact lenses are not perfect.

Although they allow you to see clearly, they still distort your vision in small ways. When you pose for pictures after LASIK, it will be an entirely new experience that you’ve never felt before.

You’ll be able to see the room around you better than you ever have. That enhanced vision will come through in the pictures.

There are dozens of more reasons to get LASIK before the New Year. But ultimately your life will be easier and more enjoyable after you do.

Use Your Remaining HSA Funds

As you know, your HSA dollars don’t roll over to next year. You’ve got to use them! If you have some money left over in your HSA at the end of the year, use it for LASIK!

There’s no way to get it back, and LASIK can be an expensive procedure for some people. Using the money you’ve saved for medical expenses on LASIK could be one of the most beneficial ways you could use that money!

Are you ready for visual freedom? Schedule a LASIK consultation at Associates in Ophthalmology in Livingston, NJ, to see if you are a LASIK candidate!